Publications available through the HLSC
TRADING places
The story behind Richard Mott Wanzer and Robert Hitchcock.
The story behind Richard Mott Wanzer and Robert Hitchcock.
Written by HLSC member Val Lister, TRADING PLACES provides a overview of 19th century lamps and lighting up to the introduction of the mechanical lamp. It examines in detail the careers of both Robert Hitchcock and Richard Wanzer, with emphasis on their mechanical lamps.
With a 4/colour cover and 64 pages of 2/colour text and images, this is a perfect bound 8-1/8" x 10-7/8" publication packed with photographs, drawings, charts and information.
$10.00 CDN / $10.00 U.S. (plus shipping)
With a 4/colour cover and 64 pages of 2/colour text and images, this is a perfect bound 8-1/8" x 10-7/8" publication packed with photographs, drawings, charts and information.
$10.00 CDN / $10.00 U.S. (plus shipping)
The Society publishes an annual 8-16 page journal, the HLSC FONT&flame, which includes patent drawings and information, illustrated feature articles on kerosene lamps, burners and lighting accessories, and the companion quarterly newsletter, the HLSC CONTACT (both publications available through membership only).
The Illuminator
Twelve issues produced by Catherine Thuro 1987 thru 1989